Entrepreneurship Awakening

Erasmus MC, Erasmus Enterprise, Erasmus Research & Business Support and Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship join forces to support EUR and Erasmus MC professionals in developing the capabilities to improve and sustain innovation for society.

At universities and healthcare organisations, many novel ideas and innovations to improve society and healthcare are explored. Some are interesting enough to develop for practical application, or even for independent (startup) initiatives. But how?​​

Understanding what drives entrepreneurship and having an entrepreneurial spirit are critical success factors. Entrepreneurship Awakening will help you to understand and explore entrepreneurship in such a way that, whenever you have invented something, you do not start from scratch. Even if you do not see yourself as an entrepreneur, an entrepreneurial attitude will prove beneficial in an academic and medical setting.

Learning Objectives:

  • Work on your entrepreneurial awakening: what is entrepreneurship? What skills and activities does this require? How can we foster entrepreneurial behaviour in the organisation?​ We focus both on the individual and on your role in the team.
  • Learn about business modelling: how do entrepreneurs create and capture value? Good ideas are Desirable, Feasible and Viable.
  • Analyze innovations from different perspectives: not only Technology & Investor Readiness but also Community Readiness. Who are the stakeholders, what are their interests, how to involve them in the innovation process and how to create value in an ecosystem?


Fall 2023 edition, 3-day programme:

  • day 1: October 9,
  • day 2: November 6,
  • day 3: December 4.


This edition is sponsored by Erasmus Enterprise and Erasmus MC for employees of Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC.


  • Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship: Marconistraat 16, 3029 AK Rotterdam (tentative).


  • English (or Dutch depending on the registrations).

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