Founders’ Friday: Discovering the Impact of I SEE U Baby Care

This year, Erasmus Enterprise proudly hosted the inaugural NL Startup Competition in collaboration with MT/Sprout, Upstream Festival, and Golden Egg Check. This groundbreaking event marked the first national pitching competition in the Netherlands exclusively for startups. From a pool of 109 applicants, only 16 teams advanced to the finals. Among them, Chanel Sam stood out as a remarkable innovator, winning the Digital Category with her startup, I SEE U Baby Care. To celebrate her impact and innovation, we sat down with Chanel to discuss her entrepreneurial journey and glean valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. Join us as Chanel shares more about I SEE U Baby Care, her path to success, and her advice for those looking to make their mark in the startup world.

Mission and Goals of I SEE U Baby Care

At I SEE U Baby Care, our mission is simple yet profound: reduce the major sleep deprivation for babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Sleep in preterm infants is challenging to recognize, often displaying active behavior that adults don’t associate with rest. Our advanced video recognition software accurately detects sleep, functioning as a decision-support system. This technology will make neonatal sleep measurable and actionable, providing healthcare professionals with a user-friendly tool to enhance infant care.

From Neuroscience to Entrepreneurship: The Genesis of I SEE U Baby Care

My entrepreneurial journey began in the realm of research. With a background in Neuroscience and Cognition, my internship with the sleep team at Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital introduced me to the intricate world of sleep in premature babies. Witnessing the potential impact of our research, I was inspired to bridge the gap between science and everyday life. After finishing my master’s curriculum, I followed an additional six months (minor) of science business courses. This made me feel as ready as I could be, to launch I SEE U Baby Care and transform this amazing research into a tangible startup.

Valuable Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

One principle that guides me is the understanding ‘even the people who are high up the hierarchical ladder, big in the news or have big titles to their names, are still people’. Who knew?! Starting a conversation with genuine passion and a clear plan to make an impact can resonate deeply with anyone. If you believe someone and/or their network can aid your growth, don’t hesitate to reach out. Embrace your authenticity and seize the opportunity.

Journey: Lessons and Perspectives

Throughout my journey, many have questioned the stability of life with a startup, sometimes suggesting alternatives like pursuing a PhD. While the fear of uncertainty is understandable and common, it’s crucial to recognize that this very uncertainty often hinders research from reaching its full potential in real-world applications. I’m grateful that I didn’t let these doubts deter me.

Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success

In the early stages of I SEE U Baby Care, I made it a point to engage with as many entrepreneurial individuals as possible. Each conversation added to my to-do list (in a good way) but, more importantly, helped shape my understanding of what a startup entails. These interactions were instrumental in building my confidence and positioning my startup for success.

Navigating Challenges and Maintaining Resilience

To stay on track, I rely on two key strategies: talking to experienced individuals and maintaining a structured approach. I developed multiple roadmap covering every aspect of the startup, from product development to team building. Clear goals pave the way for multiple pathways to success. This means that my goals are clear, and I believe whenever the goal is clear, there will be a 100 ways that can bring you there. One of them: talking to many people is a very smart way to gain a lot of information fast and the personal contacts you make in the process makes the journey doubly rewarding.

If you find the story of I SEE U Baby Care inspiring and are interested in joining Chanel’s mission, she is actively seeking co-founders in tech and health economics. Connect with her and work together to make a difference!

Want to be the next one featured?

Want to showcase your startup to a global audience? We are dedicated to highlighting the journeys of entrepreneurs and sharing their stories with our worldwide community. By featuring your startup, we aim to inspire others and celebrate your achievements. To be considered, simply fill out the form, and our team will reach out to you!

Founders’ Friday: Celebrating Marta Imeneo and PLAYFOOL

Because we want to celebrate innovation and brilliant startups within our ecosystem, today, on the Founders’ Friday edition, Erasmus Enterprise proudly presents Marta Imeneo, a visionary entrepreneur behind the innovative PLAYFOOL application. Selected as a recipient of the Startup Voucher, Marta exemplifies the spirit of innovation and determination driving the entrepreneurial landscape. She was also one of the winners of last year’s Erasmus University Challenge. Join us as we interview Marta and learn more about her entrepreneurial journey.


PLAYFOOL is an app designed to distract you from unhealthy cravings, helping to reduce consumption and encourage mindfulness. Our goal is to raise awareness about alcohol and cigarette use and combat the peer pressure often associated with these habits

Marta's Journey with the Startup Voucher

Having previously worked as an ambassador and promoter, Marta was well-acquainted with the competition and its benefits. When the opportunity for the startup voucher arose, she seized it immediately.

“The startup voucher was an unexpected bonus,” Marta shares. “It allowed me to shift my focus to developing our predictive algorithm right away. This new version of PLAYFOOL can now predict the times of day and week when users are most likely to crave alcohol or cigarettes and send notifications to help them stay mindful. This development came much sooner thanks to the voucher. It arrived at the perfect time, and I was able to complete the application quickly, knowing exactly how it would benefit our startup.”

Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Investment StrategyMarta observes that many entrepreneurs gauge their success based on investment funds. “While securing investments is crucial for growth, it’s equally important to be strategic about it. Sometimes, bootstrapping is the best approach if you have the necessary resources at the moment.”

Business Model Considerations: Reflecting on her journey, Marta emphasizes the importance of thoroughly considering the business model. “Early on, we quickly decided whether PLAYFOOL would be B2B or B2C without exploring all our options. This led us to miss some great market-fit opportunities. I advise spending ample time discussing every aspect of your business model with your team and keeping an open mind even after settling on a strategy. Remember, pivoting is always an option.”

Overcoming Adversity: Marta highlights product validation as a significant challenge. “Entrepreneurs must be prepared to set aside their egos and listen to their audience and market feedback. You might believe in your product, but your target group needs to believe in it too.”

Want to Be Featured Next?

Unlock your entrepreneurial potential with the Startup Voucher—an exclusive opportunity open to all ambitious young minds ready to ignite their business dreams. Don’t miss your chance to seize this invaluable resource and embark on your journey towards success!

Want to be the next one featured?

Unlock your entrepreneurial potential with the Startup Voucher – an exclusive opportunity open to all ambitious young minds ready to ignite their business dreams. Don’t miss your chance to seize this invaluable resource and embark on your journey towards success!

Apply for the Startup Voucher

Skyrocket your venture now by applying now for funding!

Founders’ Friday- The NL Startup Competition Winner, Nadia Fani

This year, Erasmus Enterprise proudly hosted the first NL Startup Competition in collaboration with MT/Sprout, Upstream Festival, and Golden Egg Check. This event marked the first national pitching competition in the Netherlands dedicated to startups. Out of 109 applicants, only 16 teams advanced to the finals. Coastruction participated in the Circular/Sustainable category, and we are excited to learn more about their startup as we sit down with Nadia Fani, the Founder of Coastruction. Our mission is to empower emerging startups by sharing the stories of successful ones. Join us to read more about Nadia’s advice and journey.

Coastruction Overview and Mission

Coastruction develops 3D-printing technology to produce purpose-built reefs. Their mission is to restore marine ecosystems and protect coastlines worldwide. They achieve this by increasing local biodiversity, enhancing environmental quality, and promoting sustainability through this nature-based solution. Their goals include increasing or restoring biodiversity underwater, coastal protection, fostering community engagement, using sustainable materials, advancing reef technology, and partnering with various stakeholders to expand our impact.

Nadia’s journey as an entrepreneur began with a deep passion for 3D printing technology and a desire to tackle the pressing issues of biodiversity loss and coastal erosion. Witnessing the detrimental effects of climate change on marine ecosystems motivated her to explore using 3D printing as one of the solutions to these problems. The potential of 3D-printing technology to create sustainable and effective reef structures was a major catalyst that prompted her to start Coastruction.

Insights for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Nadia advises aspiring entrepreneurs to stay passionate and purpose-driven, as your passion for your mission will drive you through challenges and inspire others to join your cause. She emphasizes the importance of embracing innovation by continuously seeking out and adopting new technologies and methods that can improve your product or service. Building a strong network is crucial; collaborating with like-minded individuals and organizations can provide invaluable support and expertise. Learning from failures is essential; each setback is an opportunity to learn and grow, so don’t be discouraged by failures—use them to refine your approach.

Reflecting on her journey, Nadia would place a greater emphasis on believing in her own capabilities. Confidence in oneself is key to overcoming the inevitable challenges faced by entrepreneurs.

Nadia highlights several strategies that have been instrumental in her success. Community engagement has been crucial, involving local communities and stakeholders in projects to ensure success and sustainability. Focusing on sustainability by prioritizing sustainable materials and methods has set a strong foundation for Coastruction’s mission and brand identity. Building strong partnerships with educational institutions, environmental organizations, and industry leaders has been instrumental in advancing Coastruction’s projects.

Navigating Challenges

To navigate challenges and setbacks, Nadia relies on adaptability, being flexible and open to changing approaches when necessary to overcome obstacles and find new solutions. She emphasizes the importance of having a strong team, as a dedicated and passionate team provides strength and diverse perspectives to tackle problems collectively. Continuous learning is also key; staying informed about the latest developments in technology, environmental science, and business practices keeps Coastruction ahead of the curve. Maintaining a clear vision and goals ensures the team stays motivated and focused, even during tough times. Regularly revisiting and reaffirming goals helps maintain momentum and direction.

Want to be the next one featured?

 Want to showcase your startup to a global audience? We are dedicated to highlighting the journeys of entrepreneurs and sharing their stories with our worldwide community. By featuring your startup, we aim to inspire others and celebrate your achievements. To be considered, simply fill out the form, and our team will reach out to you!

Founders' Friday Feature

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SAFE- Richard Wibbels’ Entrepreneurial Journey

At Erasmus Enterprise, our mission is to elevate entrepreneurship to new heights. In our “Founders’ Friday” series, we empower both aspiring and established entrepreneurs to drive innovation and achieve their goals. This week, we’re excited to feature an RSM alumni, Richard Wibbels, the founder of SAFE. Join us as we delve into Richard’s entrepreneurial journey and uncover his valuable insights and advice.

Safe Mission and Overview

At SAFE, our mission is to promote electronic music culture. In Düsseldorf, where our team is based, we feel the scene is not as prominent as it could be; clubs are closing, and the city doesn’t fully reflect its rich cultural heritage. In cities where I’ve lived before, like Rotterdam or Berlin, the scene is much more vibrant. We want to change that here.

Our goal is to become a brand in the electronic music space and at the same time have a social impact with what we do. At SAFE, we provide DJs and electronic music artists with a new ‘safe’ place—a new home—where they can perform. We record their sets and upload them online. What started last year as a YouTube channel is slowly becoming something bigger, as we are now also starting to co-organize events and step by step working towards our goals.

"In all beginnings dwells a magic force" -Hermann Hesse

This quote by Hermann Hesse perfectly encapsulates my passion for entrepreneurship. My journey began in the dynamic startup world of Berlin, where I gained my first entrepreneurial experience. Since then, I’ve worked for several startups, driven by the thrill of fast-paced environments brimming with opportunities to learn, innovate, and connect with inspiring, driven individuals. My studies at RSM were essential in preparing me to apply to and succeed in these startups.

The biggest drivers of innovation for me are technological advancements and collaboration. The rapid development of artificial intelligence, for example, offers numerous new opportunities, many of them at low cost. Additionally, collaboration and teamwork enable us to harness knowledge and networks that remain inaccessible when working alone.


Gain early practical experience by working for associations and organizations such as Erasmus Enterprise, Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, or Turing Students Rotterdam. These organizations, which were either not present or not as prominent when I was a student, offer great opportunities for growth. Through these experiences, you will learn what you excel at and what you find challenging, as well as what you enjoy and what you don’t. This self-awareness is invaluable for shaping your future career path.

The entrepreneurial path is a two sided coin.

Working at a startup has many advantages. If you want to gain generalist, entrepreneurial work experience, consider roles such as Founder’s Associate, Chief of Staff, or Entrepreneur in Residence. These strategic positions provide a comprehensive overview of all entrepreneurial processes within startups. Startups, if successful, can develop rapidly, so once you get your foot in the door, you may quickly have the opportunity to grow into other roles.

However, the entrepreneurial journey is also risky—many ventures fail. It’s wise to always have a Plan B or an alternative strategy, or to pursue your entrepreneurial projects on the side while maintaining other commitments.

Navigating Challenges

I generally view every failure as a learning experience. To maintain momentum, I keep myself constantly engaged. Currently, I am involved in several projects simultaneously, which keeps me busy and energized. By simply “doing”—ticking things off your to-do list rather than resting—you can generate energy and momentum for the next activity. I envision this process like a self-charging electric car: activity leads to more activity. Just try not to stop moving.

Want to be the next one featured?

Want to showcase your startup to the world and reach a broader audience? We are passionate about highlighting the journeys of entrepreneurs and sharing their stories with a global community. By featuring your startup, we aim to inspire others and celebrate your achievements. If you’d like to be featured, simply fill out the form, and our team will get in touch with you!


Want to know more about SAFE or want to get in contact with them? Click here to visit their website!

Founders' Friday Feature

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Future Makers- Max van Splunteren’s Journey at VolkerWessels 

At Erasmus Enterprise, we have always been dedicated to empowering young minds to thrive, whether in entrepreneurship or other fields. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Max van Splunteren, a prime example of this ethos. Join us as we sit down with Max to discuss his journey from university to driving innovation at VolkerWessels. Get ready for insights, inspiration, and practical advice for anyone with big dreams.

VolkerWessels Overview

VolkerWessels is the largest Dutch building company active in the Netherlands, the UK, North America, and Germany, spanning all areas of the construction industry. We facilitate the creation of projects in infrastructure, real estate, and even the energy transition markets, adhering to the ‘think global, act local’ principle. Our mission is to make society more sustainable and to build in a way that enables people to live and work there healthily and happily.

At this point, the most important projects of VolkerWessels include the WonderWoods tower in Utrecht, where VolkerWessels is building a residential tower while also reintroducing biodiversity to the city. With 360 trees and approximately 10,000 plants incorporated on the outside of the building, it passively absorbs approximately 5.5 tons of CO2 and releases 41.5 tons of oxygen. Another significant project is the Holland Hydrogen 1, where both the factory itself and the necessary energy substation are built by VolkerWessels. This factory will produce approximately 60 tons of green hydrogen per year, utilizing the offshore wind park in the North Sea. Finally, one of the major completed projects is the IJboulevard, which has provided 4,000 bicycle parking spaces on the north side of Amsterdam Central Station. These bicycle parking spaces have been created below the shoreline, reclaiming significant space for pedestrians.

First and foremost, I have a deep appreciation for innovation itself, so working at a company that employs innovative techniques to achieve its goals is something that resonates with me. Furthermore, I value companies that produce tangible and durable products, which naturally drew me to the construction field. VolkerWessels is a company that utilizes innovative solutions to complete its projects, and therefore, it led me to seek a role where I could drive innovation from within their strategic corporate development team.

Future Makers

At VolkerWessels, we can proudly say: creators build and shape the future. That is why we always strive for an environment where future generations can live, reside, and work healthily and happily! Challenges related to climate change and energy transition underscore the necessity to develop, design, innovate, manage, and construct differently. Crafting the future has been our legacy for generations. 

Tips and Transition from University

If you are convinced that your idea will solve a problem, stay close to it. As one might know, the construction industry is somewhat conservative. So, when new innovative ideas or opportunities emerge, many people need time to adjust their way of thinking before it can become a success within the business. Therefore, if you’ve identified a problem that is solved by your idea or product, be determined and don’t be scared by rejections. Of course, you must listen to what people within the business have to say in order to adapt and fine-tune your product or idea. However, sticking to your own plan often gets rewarded in the long run.

In all honesty, I am very happy with how my transition from university to VolkerWessels went. I was able to secure a job at the company before I finished my master’s thesis and started even before I had defended it. However, during my time at university, I have always competed in motorsport at a high level, and this is something I might have done differently. Juggling this alongside my master’s degree always felt like I was spreading myself too thin, not fully committing to either endeavor. If I were in the position to start over, I may have considered pausing my degree for one or two years to go all-in for my motorsports career and see where it would take me.

The aspect I appreciated about balancing university and motorsports simultaneously was the constant challenge in two very different domains. This provided a varied experience, where I was intellectually stimulated alongside the physical and competitive demands of motorsport. Therefore, if given the chance to start over, I would still pursue some form of education, but perhaps not one as intensive as Aerospace Engineering.

Navigating Challenges

Setbacks are a part of life, in my opinion; there is no one who has never experienced a setback in any form. However, I believe that setbacks must be put into perspective. While a setback might seem devastating in your own view, for somebody else, it could be seen as a minor bump in the road. Therefore, it is crucial to speak to people and share your challenges with others in order to receive help. Personally, I often do this with my father, as he has been an entrepreneur in the past and always has some refreshing ideas for my setbacks.

Want to be the next one featured?

Feeling the inspiration from Max and eager to foster innovation with your own entrepreneurial spark? Look no further than Erasmus Enterprise! Our entrepreneurial community stands ready to support your innovative startup ideas, providing vital funds through our Startup Voucher program. Don’t let this opportunity slip by—seize the chance to access invaluable resources and kickstart your path to success today!

Startup Voucher

Kickstart your startup with the Startup Voucher!

Thriving Together: Ease2pay’s Collaborative Path with Erasmus Enterprise

In a celebration of innovation and collaborative spirit, Ease2pay, founded by Gijs van Lookeren Campagne and Jan Borghuis, has been honored with the Erasmus Enterprise Community Award during the Opening of Entrepreneurial Year 2023. This award highlights the strong sense of teamwork and shared progress while being part of the Erasmus Enterprise community in the last year. Gijs van Lookeren Campagne and Jan Borghuis remarked, “We have never felt as at home as in the past year being part of Erasmus Enterprise.

 Ease2pay Self-Service solution

Ease2pay was founded in 2017 by Jan Borghuis and Gijs van Lookeren Campagne. Their mission is to create a self-service platform, where services can be used at any time of the day. For Ease2pay, self-service is not just a matter of convenience; it’s an essential driver of the energy transition, particularly in sectors like charging stations where it’s vital for profitability and consumer control. Their all-in-one app allows users to effortlessly interact with services like ports, car parks, and petrol stations. Simplifying self-service options for users, driving us towards a more sustainable society. 

The Synergy between Erasmus Enterprise and Ease2pay

What sets the Community Award apart is the connection between Ease2pay and the Erasmus Enterprise community. As one of the pioneering scale-ups, Ease2pay found its home in the Erasmus Enterprise building over two years ago on the Erasmus University campus, a hub of entrepreneurship and innovation. Here, they have been able to engage directly with students, immersing them in their transformative work. Furthermore, in the past years Ease2pay has contributed significantly to the startup community by participating as coaches in the Erasmus University Challenge and engaging in insightful speed dates with budding entrepreneurs. These experiences provided valuable perspectives on overcoming challenges of starting a business, leaving a lasting impact in our entrepreneurs’ ecosystem.

This dynamic connection between Ease2pay and Erasmus Enterprise showcases the power of collaboration and support in advancing innovative ventures. Erasmus Enterprise combines essential elements for a thriving startup environment, uniting resources and multi-disciplinary expertise from Rotterdam and Delft, offering an ideal and thriving environment for entrepreneurial journeys. This partnership, then, underlines the essence of Erasmus Enterprise: fostering an environment where entrepreneurs can thrive, innovate, and make a positive impact on society. It is through seamless interactions and collaborative events that we create dynamic network spaces, driving meaningful impact in the entrepreneurs’ community.

Join the Erasmus University Challenge and be part of a vibrant community where academia, students, government, companies, and organizations collaborate to drive innovation, entrepreneurship, and co-creation! 

Click here to learn more about Erasmus University Challenge!

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BIG’R: Academics Creating Impact Through Research

In a world faced with pressing environmental and social challenges, organizations like BIG’R – Behavioral Insights Group Rotterdam – are leading the way in creating positive change. BIG’R is an impact center that combines scientific knowledge, behavioral insights, and practical interventions to make a significant societal impact. At BIG’R, their focus lies on conducting field experiments and studies to apply behavioral insights and scientific knowledge in practice. Inge Merkelbach, Managing Director of BIG’R, explains, “We try to make a positive societal impact with our scientific knowledge, our methods, and we use it by studying behavior and designing interventions, studying them in practice.” This blog dives into the journey of BIG’R, their challenges, successes, and shows how it is possible for academics to create impact through research.  

From collaboration to impact center  

Semiha Denktas, the academic supervisor of BIG’R, drew inspiration from the behavioral Insights team in London, UK, which was the first one to bring together municipalities, governments, and universities. Recognizing the potential benefits for a city like Rotterdam, with its challenges of poverty and great multiculturalism, Denktas saw an opportunity for a Behavioral Insights team. Thus, BIG’R emerged through a collaboration between the municipality of Rotterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam. “We started out as a team with people from the municipality and scientists that developed the working method through trial and error, reading literature, what steps are necessary and having to learn each other’s languages”, shares Inge.  

The collaboration lasted for four years and, even though it was evaluated very positively, it had to stop when no more funding was available. That is when BIG’R restarted as an independent impact center of Erasmus Research & Business Support (ERBS) at the University. Inge reflects on their journey, stating, “We had a whole strategy developed on how to deal with these questions in practice, and we noticed there was still a lot of need for insights and practices, so we thought it would be a shame to throw it all out.” 

ERBS played a crucial role in supporting the establishment of BIG’R as an independent impact center. Inge acknowledges their contribution: “ERBS really offered us a nice opportunity. They offered us the possibility to restart in a safe space with a lot of support for us to start this BIG’R 2.0, as an independent impact center. Without the ERBS I don’t think we could have restarted, because it would be too big of a risk.” Inge acknowledges the value of being able to experiment with this way of working within the academic setting. 

BIG’R Main Challenges 

One of the main challenges BIG’R faced was effectively putting science into practice and communicating scientific insights to stakeholders with diverse backgrounds. Inge shares that it was challenging to communicate scientific thoughts and insights towards people that are not necessarily used to that kind of language and highlights the importance of bridging the gap, “You have to learn each other’s language. Public policy officials have a very different language than scientists, sometimes also a very different way of thinking.”  

Additionally, combining different research methods and convincing other scientists of the value of unconventional approaches posed further challenges. “I think we were in the forefront and that was a challenge. But fortunately, there’s a growing movement towards more Impact and more multi-method research”, mentions Inge. But with time and hard work, BIG’R was able to get trust and find the right collaborations, completing some projects, becoming known and achieving great successes. 


Creating change   

One of BIG’R’s notable successes was their study on reducing speed limits in Rotterdam. Inge proudly tells, “We recently did a study looking into reducing the speed limit from 50 to 30 kilometers per hour in Rotterdam”. How do you get the motorists to comply with the new speed limit? BIG’R has developed various interventions for this, such as a specific way of placing the speed signs, so that motorists are effectively made aware of their speed.

The image represents the reduction of speed limits from 50 to 30 kilometers per hour in Rotterdam

 “The municipality has taken our advice and started implementing this citywide, making the city safer and healthier for everyone”, shares the interviewee. “So that really gives me a big drive, that you can change something in your city right away and a lot of people will notice, and you can create positive contribution.” 

Inge offers valuable advice for peers in academia who aspire to make a similar impact. She encourages them, “Don’t be scared and be open to methods and new ways of working…”. Scientists are mostly trained in a classical way of researching: how do you conduct a perfect experiment? Inge reflects that this way of working keeps scientists from touching on real, important societal topics that are not easily studied. So, her advice? “Be brave, creative, and willing to make some mistakes. For sure people will comment on your research methods and say they are not perfect. But just do it and try to find the right partners”.  

BIG’R is an inspiring impact center that harnesses scientific knowledge, behavioral insights, and practical interventions to drive positive change in society. Their journey, with the support of ERBS, showcases that it is possible for academics to turn research into positive societal impact and how they are committed to making a lasting impact. ERBS offers ambitious and passionate scientists a safe space for them to valorize their innovative ideas. Despite challenges, BIG’R has achieved significant successes and encourages peers to embrace creativity and bravery in their pursuit of societal impact. 

YOUNITE Event Sparks Collaboration and Technology-Driven Impact

The YOUNITE event, a collaboration between Erasmus Enterprise and YES!Delft, held on Thursday, 8 June, brought together a vibrant community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders in a celebration of collaboration and technology-driven impact. The event, hosted by the charismatic Julian Jagtenberg, Founder and CEO at SOMNOX, showcased inspiring stories, insightful discussions, and groundbreaking technologies that have the potential to create positive change in society.

Frans van Houten, a prominent figure in the industry and alumni of the Rotterdam School of Management, shared his incredible journey of making impact. His emphasis on the significance of new technology and entrepreneurship for the world resonated deeply, highlighting the transformative power it holds.

The engaging panel discussion titled ‘Startup vs Corporate’ shed light on the pros and cons of different paths to creating impact. Panelists Sara Okhuijsen, Omar Link, and Antoinette Van Kolthoorn provided valuable insights, showcasing their experiences and perspectives on navigating the startup and corporate landscape.

Karthik Mahadevan captivated the audience with the inspiring story of Envision, a startup from the YES!Delft eco-system empowers people who are blind or have low vision to access everyday visual information for themselves. He demonstrated their groundbreaking technology, leaving the audience in awe of the possibilities that lie ahead.

Following the event, a remarkable Network Fair took place, providing startups from various sectors with a platform to connect, share ideas, and showcase their innovations. The presence of start-ups such as Loop Biotech, Yes!Talents, OASYS NOW, Gyromotics, Noria Sustainable Innovators, SoundCell, HighTechXL, EY, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Coding the Curbs, and AICON added immense value to the fair, fostering a spirit of collaboration and exchange.

Vice president of the Executive Board Ellen van Schoten, esteemed opener of the Network Fair, set the stage for an afternoon full of connections and possibilities. Her words ignited a sense of togetherness and community, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in driving innovation and impact.

“We are thrilled to see technology and business come together at YOUNITE,” said Ellen van Schoten. “This event has showcased the transformative potential of collaboration and the power of innovation in creating a lasting impact on important issues such as sustainability.”

Ellen van Schoten speaking at the Younite event

YOUNITE was made possible through the collaboration of incredible partners including HighTechXL, ASML, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), ErasmusX, and AICON. The event owes its success to the unwavering dedication and hard work of the entire team at Erasmus Enterprise and YES!Delft, who tirelessly ensured a seamless and extraordinary experience for all participants.

As the event came to a close, attendees were left inspired and motivated to harness the power of technology and create a lasting impact. The YOUNITE team invites everyone to stay tuned for an exciting workshop on the 28th of June, where further insights and tools will be provided to empower individuals on their journey to making a difference.

For upcoming events, visit:

Spot at the Younite event

Empowering Academics to Innovate: The Impact Starting Guide by Erasmus Enterprise 

Erasmus Enterprise launches The Impact Starting Guide on April 3, 2023 with Erasmus Research Services with the aim to provide academics with tools, bringing their ideas into actionable plans that drive societal impact. The first copy of the guide was presented to Ed Brinksma, President of the Executive Board at Erasmus University Rotterdam, marking the beginning of its distribution. 

“The Impact Starting Guide is an invitation for academics to accelerate their impact by reaching out to researchers or enterprises with ambitions and ideas…. We aim to make everyone feel safe in taking this fun and exciting journey to accelerate their efforts” – Bas van der Noll  

Erasmus Enterprise is committed to fostering an entrepreneurial mindset among academics and providing the necessary resources to them for success. Establishing impact is a combination of research and people who are proactive. With the right resources and tools academics can develop innovative solutions and create a lasting social impact.   

The Impact Starting Guide – What is in it for you?  

First, The Erasmus Impact Guide can provide you with practical advice to overcome common challenges and inspire you to head start your journey to make change. Secondly, it can determine your current position in your journey and guide your vision. Lastly, identify the needed support and provide you with the rightful information. 

The guide is set up to direct academics to navigate through various stages of research and development, enabling them to achieve maximum impact in their respective fields. It helps researchers identify potential problems within their ideas and validate them, providing them direction on solution development. Team and partner building are another aspect, distinguishing potential partnerships and defining the right composition. Additionally, it provides objective on initiating fundraising and funding activities.  

Taking initiative is crucial to achieving positive societal impact beyond research, as continuous initiative and dedication is essential to accomplishing it. The Impact Starting Guide will guide you to realise your potential as an entrepreneur and begin your journey. Empower yourself to create a better future by downloading The Impact Starting Guide and take the next steps towards impactful entrepreneurship and co-creation.